Women are often embarrassed by the unattractive appearance
of cellulites in their buttocks and thighs.
This is their common complaint during bathing suit seasons. In order for us to treat these problems, we
need to first understand what cellulite and how it is formed.
Now, the big question is why do women get cellulites? It has something to do with women’s genetic
makeup. Between the bottom most layer of
the skin and the muscle layers is a structure called fibrous septae, which
anchors the skin to the muscle. So when
you pinch the skin, these fibers hold and attach them to your muscles. These structures are arranged vertically in
women. Between the spaces of these
fibers are fat lobules. These lobules
are the ones responsible for the rounded appearance on your skin. In men, these fibers run diagonally
permitting them to flatten this rounded fat lobules. That is why men do not form cellulite in
their skin.
There are treatments you can do to reduce the appearance of cellulites
in parts of your body. These include diet
modifications and cellulite exercises you can perform that targets the thighs
and arms. There is also a program being introduced for women providing easier
methods on natural treatment. (Read more here.)
If you are into drinking coffee, then you are helping your
body fight off the cellulites. Coffee
contains a substance called caffeine.
Caffeine is part of the group of chemicals called methylxanthines which
has the ability to break down fat stores.
Theophyilline and aminophylline are other chemicals that are contained
in creams which are effective cellulite treatment.
Exercise will not entirely remove the cellulites in your
body but it will help your body to lose fats.
When doing exercises, target the lower body by doing squats and
lunges. These exercises can be done in
the comfort of your house or in your gym.
When you are doing squats, keep your feet about hip-width apart. Focus your weight on your heels and avoid
leaning forward. Move your hip downward
in as if you are sitting on an invisible chair.
See to it that your bottom is about two feet from the ground. Slowly lift your hips back up and repeat the
exercise. Your hands should be kept in
front for balance. Perform the exercise
20 times.
For lunges, keep your hands on your hips while standing
hip-width apart. Step forward on one leg
and bend down so that your front leg is bent.
Hold the position for a couple of seconds. Lift yourself up and lunge again. Do the same to the other leg. Perform the exercise 15 times.
You can also join sports that involve the thighs such as
jogging and cycling. Kickboxing and
other combat sports are also helpful.